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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: PVR recovers-- still got probs
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Howdy LW'ers!
Just thought I'd let you guys (hey! Warez' da broads?!) know about
my PVR experiences:
1) The "I've lost my CMOS, and can't get up!" problem disappeared once
I realized that a couple of pins sticking out of the PVR, they look
like LED connectors for a hard drive, were physically (versus
emotionally) touching my lithium system battery.
I wrapped some scotch tape around the battery, and bent the pins
slightly (belt AND suspenders) and after a couple of days the battery
recharged itself and now the computer doesn't have to be totally reset
up whenever I power down. Yay!
2) Went to the local post facility the other day to lay off some
animation-- the breakout cable for the PVR was not passing Y-B. Tests
revealed bad cable. <sigh>
Note that the input cable seems to be identical in pinout to the output
cable, so you can swap 'em AFAIK.
DPS requested that I return the bad cable when they send me the good,
so this MAY be a common problem.
3) Got a recall notice from DPS concerning a possible bug in their
board--certain serial numbers can be returned on their nickle. Check
your mail, and send in those registration cards!
4) The second system I bought from ZEOS did NOT, contrary to the
protestations of the sales-droid, have full length PCI slots-- indeed,
it may be quite a trick to find such a motherboard. Some of their
older MBs have FLPCISlots, but
Best thing is to actually get a look at it before purchasing!